I don't have any pictures to post with this entry, since I'm at work and haven't uploaded the latest pictures.
I finished my niece's hat. I am so proud of it! I didn't use a pattern and got it the right size without doing a swatch. I used some Microspun I had bought awhile ago, and did a little rose at the top of it that I found in
Knitting Over The EdgeWas very easy to make and it made it more girly.
I had picked up the
Tea and Sympathy Shawl I've been working on for my SIL that I haven't knitted on for awhile.
Kevin and I were watching
The Land of the Dead last night (not scary, just gory) and I decided to try and finish this thing, when I started making some stupid mistakes.
I know this pattern inside and out, since I've done 3 of them already. But I didn't increase when I should have and in the middle of a normal knit row, I did the wrap yarn over bit. So I'm just gonna frog the whole thing and make one of the
Spiral Scarfs I had made my sister for her Birthday.
I left that at home and will work on that tonight (hopefully) but for now I brought the yarn and pattern for the
Baby Booties I'm making my Nephew Mateo. They are the cute little blue runners on the cover.
So, can you tell that I figured out the neat little button for linking?