So with Sockapalooooza Four over and done with, I've been getting some other stuff done that was promised.

Lace-Edged Women's Hat by Julie Hentz from Head Huggers
In LionBrand Microspun in Blush.
My SIL's mother has cancer again, so she had asked me to knit her mum up a hat. She picked out the pattern.
I hate knitting with this yarn, so splinty, but I loved the color and the feel. Microspun is so soft and silky. Worth it. Took me 3 days to knit this up, since allot of life stuff happened in those days (got laid off)
Then I got to work on a hat my brother asked for awhile ago.

So we now have Mario, Luigi and Wario.
This was based off the Topi by Jennifer Tallapaneni from Knitty, Spring 2006
I used some LionBrand Cotton I had in the stash I had planned on using to make a sunflower washcloth for my SIL one day. Have pleanty left over for the washcloth.
So now that I have these items done and given, what should I work on now? I've got 3 WIP that need to be finished....and they are:
My mum's clogs. I am almost finished with these. Just have to knit up the 2nd sole and bumper. I haven't done this because it requires me to wind up the yarn from a skein, and I don't a swift, so it's a pain in the butt.

then there are the socks:
meh, I don't think I like knitting 2 socks at once, and I have converted to Magic Loop for all round knitting. I'm at the guesset on these, so really shouldn't take long to finish. I've desided to give these to my Sister when they are finished.

Embossed Leaves by Mona Schmidt from Favorite Socks in Trekking (XXL)
and last but not least
Wimbledon by Alison Hansel from MagKnits, July 2006
This has the most work that needs to be done. I started this so long ago, it would be nice to have it finished, but I know the others would take less time.

Not sure which I should pick up next. I want these done before I start anything new.
What to do, what to do.